It is normal to experience moderate menstrual cramping during your period. In spite of this, cramps can be very painful and can interfere with normal daily activities. To relieve cramps naturally, some women turn to herbal tea for menstrual cramps and bloating instead of over-the-counter medications.
In contrast, many women feel very light cramps, some feel moderate cramps and some feel severe cramps during menstruation. However, moderate cramp is common in menstruation. But severe cramps disturb routine life. Usually, these cramps start when menstruation occurs or sometimes start before a couple of days. Cramps decrease as the menstruation end.
Even so, you may personally find some of these herbal teas helpful for cramps and pain. According to many researchers, herbal tea is beneficial for reducing cramps and bloating but it is still under research.
The extremely painful menstruation is known as dysmenorrhea. Mostly more than half of women feel pain during menstruation for 1 to 2 days each month. But mostly women feel very painful cramps that keep them away from doing their daily routine activities. Some women feel many other symptoms with severe cramps, like. Diarrhea, dizziness, headache, vomiting.
There are the following types of dysmenorrhea:
- Primary dysmenorrhea
- Secondary dysmenorrhea
Primary dysmenorrhea
It is the condition when cramps start at the time of the menstruation cycle. It is not associated with any uterus problem. These cramps are started because of a natural chemical called prostaglandin that is produced in the uterus lining. The intensity of this chemical is very high on the first day but after a few hours or a day, the level of prostaglandin goes down and you feel less or no more cramps.
Secondary dysmenorrhea
It is the condition when cramps start after the bleeding. The cramps are so severe and longer than normal menstrual cramps. These cramps are continuous during your menstruation days. They link it with the uterus problem. The main cause of this pain is the polycystic ovary, inflammation, stress, and anxiety.
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Types of Herbal Tea for Menstrual Cramps and Bloating

Herbal tea contains dried herbs and spices that are boiled in water and are free of caffeine. It has many fruitful effects on our health using herbal tea in our daily life decreases cramps during menstruation. These herbal teas help us to lose weight, control blood pressure, boost good cholesterol, reduce stress, and relax our minds and mood.
To manage menstrual cramps and bloating, herbal tea may be a promising alternative to over-the-counter medications. While several teas might help reduce periods of pain and bloating, herbal teas like ginger tea, green tea, and thyme tea are supported by some scientific evidence.
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Following are the different types of herbal tea for menstrual cramps and bloating:
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is one of the best options to bring down menstrual cramps. It has pain relief properties and helps in both to reduce cramps and bloating. Research showed that taking 750-2000mg of ginger powder during the first three days of menstruation helps to reduce menstrual cramps and bloating. A review published in Gingerols and Shogoals that ginger has many medical properties like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain relieving. So, seeping the ginger tea you find helps to reduce menstrual cramps and bloating.
Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon not only makes your dishes delicious, but it has many medical properties like its help in digestion, anti-inflammatory, maintaining sugar levels, and reducing pain in menstruation cramps.
According to the research published on The Effect of Cinnamon on Menstrual Bleeding Cinnamon is very helpful in reducing menstrual cramps and excess bleeding, vomiting, and nausea.
Green Tea
In menstruation, your energy level declines. You need some caffeine for boosting energy level. Choose green tea because it not only boosts your energy level but also helps to reduce menstruation cramps.
According to the research girls who used green tea during their menstrual have less pain than other girls that do not use it. Green tea also helps to manage mood swings during menstruation.
Fennel Tea
Fennel tea is one of the safest natural tea used for pain relieving during menstruation. It has a good amount of vitamin C which helps to decrease inflammation. Taking 1 to 2 cups during menstruation helps to reduce the menstruation cramps as compared to other girls who do not consume it.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has reduced menstrual cramps, but it helps to good sleep and decrease fatigue. The research paper Chamomile Tea for Relief of Primary Dysmenorrhea showed that women drink 2 cups of chamomile tea a week toward menstruation and during periods days which results in women experiencing less pain during the next period. So it is safe to use chamomile tea during menstruation.
Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm tea helps to reduce menstrual cramps. It helps to regulate blood circulation in the uterine area and helps to relieve menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome. Lemon balm tea has antioxidant properties and helps to reduce stress levels.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea act to relax the muscles. It helps to relax your muscles during contractions. Peppermint has a lavish amount of menthol and has strong-smelling properties as well as many health prospects.
Many people use essential peppermint oil to relieve muscle pain.
Dandelion Root Tea
It is another beneficial tea during menstruation. Menstruation is dreadful when the level of estrogen and progesterone is imbalanced. Dandelion roots have detoxification properties and also balance the hormone in the body. And help to cure constipation. Regulate the amount of estrogen in the body. Help to reduce menstrual pain.
Thyme Tea
Thyme tea has a lot of benefits for human health. It is very tasty and most people really enjoyed it. Research on Ethiopia’s teenagers reveals that they found 62% less menstrual cramps by using thyme tea.
Raspberry Leaf Tea
It tastes not like raspberry. It is similar to black coffee. Most people use it to tone and make a stronger pelvic area. The research shows raspberry leaves have inflammatory properties that help to feel relief from the pain that is linked to menstruation.
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea has a good deal of health potential properties. Menstrual cramps are relieved by it. They have not many studies on this but still in many areas oolong tea is used.
How to Manage Severe Menstruation Cramps?

Menstruation cramps usually feel severe or light pain during your menstruation. The chemical that is made in the uterus lining known as prostaglandin, is a major cause of menstruation cramps. Higher levels of this chemical mean you feel more cramps.
Before handling the menstruation cramps, do you know the reason behind the severe menstruation cramps?
Read the major causes of severe cramps and how to manage these cramps:
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Fibroids
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
One of the most common hormone disorders among females. 1 in 10 women suffered from this disease. PCOS women do not ovulate, they have many small and large cysts in their ovaries and they have a high level of androgen hormones. They face many periods problems like irregular periods or missed periods. In this syndrome, ovaries produced many small and immature eggs. The polycystic ovary is clearly seen in an ultrasound.
PCOS has the following symptom:
- High level of male hormones (androgen)
- Excessive hair on the face
- Acne,
- Weight gain and trouble losing weight
- Hair loss
- Heavy and painful periods
- many small cysts in the ovary.
- Infertility issues.
Fibroids are basically noncancerous growth that grows sometimes inside the uterus and sometimes outside the uterus. They have different size ranges. Once in a while, size is as small as a seed to large masses that increase the size of the uterus. Many women face this problem in their life but most women do not know about it.
The most common symptoms are:
- Heavy periods
- Leg and lower back pain
- Constipation
- Frequent urination
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
It is a common condition that is found in most women. It is a bacterial infection that is found in a female reproductive system such as the ovary, fallopian tube, and womb. Sexually transmitted bacteria most commonly spread from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
The most common symptoms are:
- Painful intercourse
- The repugnant smell of the vaginal discharge
- Bleeding during and after sex
- Fever
- Burning sensation during urination
How do I know what causes them?
If you have cramps that last longer than 3 to 4 days, then you should take an appointment with to doctor. They check your medical history and advise you an ultrasound, pelvic exam, CT, and scan. Then after this, your doctor prescribed the best medicine for you.
How can you manage menstrual cramps?
These are the following tips that reduce menstrual cramps:
- Regular Exercise
- Applying Heat Pad on Lower Abdomen Area
- Yoga
- Handle Your Stress
Regular Exercise
The research shows that doing 30-minute regular exercise 3 times a week helps to reduce menstrual cramps. It also reduces the risk of many diseases, helps to lose weight, manages your brain health, strengthens your bone, and also boosts your immunity.
Applying Heat Pad on Lower Abdomen Area
The result shows that applying a heating pad helps in relieving menstrual cramps. It relaxes the muscles and helps to relieve menstrual cramps. heating pad help to relax vessels that normalize the flow of blood.
Yoga is the best option to reduce menstrual cramps. It is very beneficial to solve fertility and menstrual issues as well as helps to relieve your back pain, which is very common in menstrual cramps. You will be able to relax your body and sleep better as a result of it.
Handle your Stress
Stress is the main cause of your menstrual cramps. Stress produces very harmful effects on your health, so take your mind and body stress-free. Breathing, exercising, and doing the things that you enjoy most help to reduce stress.
Massage therapy is also very helpful in reducing menstrual cramps. It helps to relax your muscles and body. Helps to sleep well.
In conclusion, herbal teas can be a natural and effective way to alleviate menstrual cramps and bloating. Ginger tea, peppermint tea, and chamomile are a few common choices. It’s crucial to remember that every person’s body is unique, so it could take some trial and error to locate the herbal tea that works best for you. If you are pregnant or have any underlying medical concerns, you should always see your doctor before attempting any new herbs or supplements. You may relieve your symptoms and have a more comfortable menstrual period with the correct herbal tea.
Informative 👍🏻👍🏻
Very informative article!
Good info👌