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Why Punishment Doesn’t Work: A Guide to Positive Reinforcement Parenting

There’s no doubt that being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and if there’s one difficult element to parenting, managing your child’s behavior is one of them. As parents, we want to raise kids who know how to act and behave appropriately at home and socially. What methods do you use to manage the behavior of your child? Are you constantly yelling at your child to correct their misbehavior? Do you often lose your temper and feel overwhelmed? The approach you used to raise your child may need to be revised if you want to see a change in his behavior. A positive reinforcement approach can be used here.

Positive reinforcement is one of the best parenting techniques to motivate your child to good behavior without punishment and abuse. If you have not used this technique, then here are some reasons that will encourage you to use positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement. 

Here are the reasons why you use positive reinforcement:

Long-Lasting Effects On Child

Children should be disciplined appropriately, but punishment shouldn’t be used as the primary form of discipline. By using positive reinforcement, you encourage your child toward better responses and ask them to perform daily tasks properly. It can give you more long-term results because it positively affects your child. But in contrast, if you are trying to change your child’s behavior with punishment, or insulting them, they arouse fear and complex feeling in your child, and these feelings grow as they grow up.

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Helps To Develop Good Character Development 

A child who is encouraged to behave appropriately by positive reinforcement is more likely to achieve positive character development results than a child motivated by fear. Using a positive approach when it comes to imposing discipline even motivates children to go beyond expectations. But on the other side, children who are encouraged by punishment show less effort; and do minimum work so that they keep away from punishment.

Positive reinforcement helps to understand that their positive behavior results in positive outcomes, such as rewards. This help to understand the value of personal responsibility, and the importance of excellent character development. 

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Positive Reinforcement Help loved them

The concept of discipline is not understood by all children, and they do not understand why their parents insist they behave a certain way. That’s why when children are punished by their parents, they thought that their parents have not loved them. But their parents only punish them for misbehaving. Positive responses to your child’s behavior will make them feel loved and cared for.

Develop Confident And Healthy Self-Regard

Children who are grown with positive reinforcement have confident and healthy self-regard and catch more success later in life. When we use it, we make our children feel good about themselves; especially when they have done something right. Instead of feeling terrible and focusing on what they did wrong, they will realize that they are good at heart and can even improve. It also helps your children to feel the happiness of their own success regardless of how small they are. On the other hand, punishment causes young children to feel shame and inferiority, which aren’t helpful for their healthy growth.

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As a Parent, Positive Reinforcement Makes You Feel Good

 Parents who use punishment or harsh words while disciplining their children often feel guilty, but when they use a positive approach when implementing discipline, they won’t feel guilty. Your child’s behavior and attitude will change without making them feel bad or making you feel guilty for using force or painful words.

It can be difficult to find a technique or approach that will be rewarding for both children and parents. If you haven’t tried positive reinforcement yet. You should try it soon to see how it can help you.

Examples of Positive Reinforcement

There are many free-of-cost rewards that you can use to encourage your child’s behavior. Positive reinforcement does not require a physical item.

You can encourage your child’s behavior by following examples:

  • Giving your child a high five
  • Give him a warm hug
  • Give your child a thumbs-up
  • Play a game with your children
  • Tell another how much you proud of your child’s behavior
  • Offering applauded 

Positive reinforcement can also be offered by giving a child extra privileges or tangible rewards. For Example, if your child cleans the room without asking, you can give her a bar of chocolate as a reward. More chances are they can be motivated and repeat this behavior again. There are a lot of other rewards you can give sticker charts to younger children and PlayStation to your older children.

Your child should be rewarded for his or her efforts and improvement, rather than focusing exclusively on perfection. Keep an eye out for them and let them know if they try or if their performance improves.

Is Positive Reinforcement Fruitful?

Positive reinforcement can take some time to work, and it shows the result when we work on it consistently. Parenting with positive reinforcement can be fruitful. Positive reinforcement is a parenting strategy that involves rewarding children for positive behaviors and actions. This can help to increase the likelihood of those behaviors being repeated in the future. Some benefits include increased self-esteem and motivation, improved behavior, and better relationships between parents and children. Overall, this can be an effective tool for encouraging positive behaviors and shaping children’s behavior positively.

Benefits of Positive Reinforcement

  • Positive reinforcement increases children’s self-esteem and self-worth by making them feel good about themselves and their accomplishments.
  • Children who feel respected and valued are more likely to trust and respect their parents.
  • Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping children’s behavior. As a result, children learn what behavior is acceptable and what is not, and they are encouraged to repeat positive behavior.
  • Positive reinforcement helps build open and effective communication between parents and children, On the other side children share their thought and feeling more easily with their parents.
  • Helps to create a strong bond between parents and children. Children who feel loved and valued are more likely to have a healthy and positive relationship with their parents.


Positive reinforcement helps to grow your child with positive behavior and have more capacity and confidence to catch success in their life. A strong relationship between parent and child is created with the help of positive reinforcement. It helps to learn the behavior of what is good and what is not. It has long-lasting effects on a child. On the other hand, negative reinforcement creates mental health problems, and your children are not able to perform daily or life tasks best in their life.

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