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Tried and Tested Essential oil for rosacea you should try

Are you worried about the symptoms of rosacea? Looking for a botanical remedy? An essential oil may prove useful. Essential oil for rosacea has been available for a hundred years, but the skincare experts have started exploring this now. 

 The botanical remedy has gained momentum due to its magical impacts on the skin to remove wrinkles, dryness, puffiness, and redness.

What is Rosacea?

The term “rosacea” Rosacea is a chronic (long-lasting) skin condition that causes redness and swelling on your face. It can also cause acne-like bumps and make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Rosacea is most common in women and people with fair skin, but it can happen to anyone. If you think you have rosacea, see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Left untreated, rosacea can get worse over time.

Its common symptoms include puffiness, redness, dryness, and pimples in some severe cases. Rosacea may result from poor nutrition, disturbed digestive systems, and nervous disorders.

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What Causes Rosacea?

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but it may be due to genetic and environmental factors. Rosacea is more common in people with fair skin, but it can happen to anyone. Rosacea is also more common in women than men, and it tends to run in families.

Factors causing rosacea

Potential factors that may cause rosacea include:

  • Stress
  • Work pressure
  • Intense workout in the gym
  • Use of tobacco
  • Frequent exposure to sun rays
  • Spicy foods
  • Extreme hot or cold seasonal temperature
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Continuous exposure to heat
  • Disturbed digestive system
  • Poor elasticity of blood capillaries in the skin
  • Nervous disorders and many other triggers

Rosacea is most commonly prevalent among middle-aged women. Women may also experience this skin disorder during the menu pause.

What are the Symptoms of Rosacea?

The most common symptom of rosacea is redness on your face. This can look like a sunburn and usually appears on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Rosacea can also cause acne-like bumps on your face. These bumps may be filled with pus. In some cases, rosacea can also cause burning and soreness in the eyes.

How essential oils are extracted?

Essential oils are compounds that are gained through a great number of plants. The oil has the scent and flavor of a certain plant from which it is obtained. Essential oils are produced through mechanical methods like steam, water, or cold pressing of the plant. In simpler words, the essential oil is a concentrated extract of a plant, and later on, it is mixed with a carrier oil to make it dilute.

essential oil
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Benefits of using essential oil

Essential oil for rosacea treatment is commonly used by experts in aromatherapy. Skincare experts consider the essential oil beneficial for:

1. Aroma therapy-medicinal effects

Aromatherapists frequently use essential oils to treat various bodily issues. Some of them are as under:

  • Experts of aromatherapy say that an essential oil stimulates the olfactory system- a pathway from the nose to a specific part of the brain.
  • The aroma of the essential oil has physiological effects like stimulating blood pressure, stress, breathing, heart rate, emotions, memory, and hormone balance.
  • Many studies revealed that the smell of essential oil is useful in relieving stress and anxiety along with traditional treatments.
  • In olden times, the Persians used to treat various forms of headache by applying chamomile and sesame oil to the temples. Botanists believe that applying peppermint and lavender oil on the forehead relieves headaches and migraines.
  • Inhaling the lavender oil is considered to improve sleeping time and sleep quality.

2. Aromatic purpose

Besides aromatherapy, many essential oils are used in fragrant homes and offices to get a fresh environment.

Essential oils are commonly used in cosmetics to add flavor and scent.

3. Skincare purpose

  • Essential oils are excellent in keeping the skin moisturized.
  • Essential oils carry anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Thus, frequently used in skin remedies.
  • Essential oils contribute to the manufacturing of various skincare products to get relief from allergic and sensitive skin.

4. Medicinal effects

Essential oils carry anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and antimicrobial effects. Its medicinal effects make its frequent use in the manufacturing of topical lotions and creams to avoid allergies and infections on the skin.

5. Industrial purposes

  • Some types of essential oils are used to preserve the foods.
  • Essential oils are used to manufacture mosquito repellents and many other sprays.

Types of Natural Essential oils

Botanists and herb lovers usually extract the essential oils from the plants. Various types of treatment are available in our surroundings. Let us have a look at some of the essential oil for rosacea as a home remedy:

essential oil
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils for rosacea-affected skin. Tea trees carry antimicrobial effects. It carries anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the symptoms of redness, puffiness, and skin irritation.

2. Burdock oil

Burdock food and supplements are popular items to improve liver function improving skin outlook. Applying burdock oil for rosacea on the skin can prove helpful in reducing the inflammation caused by the rosacea. 

3. Chamomile

Chamomile is ideal for getting relief from allergic and sensitive skin. If not treated properly, rosacea may cause redness and red pimples on the whole face. Chamomile oil can instantly relieve irritation on the skin.

4. Rose oil

Rose oil is a common skin care product. It is used for multiple purposes by skin and health experts. The health care professionals recommend using it as a routine skincare product. Rose oil can be used by people of all ages to avoid the burning issues of the skin, especially facial issues.

5. Cypress

Infections caused by the rosacea can be treated effectively through cypress oil. Cypress carries anti-microbial properties that can relieve your face from redness and puffiness. Cypress is work worthy soothing essential oil for rosacea effects.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary is another remedy to apply over the skin to get relief from rosacea symptoms. Its healing properties reduce the redness and dryness and reduce the tightening of the blood capillaries in the skin.

7. Lavender oil

Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can better care for your skin from rosacea symptoms. Lavender oil can calm down emotions and skin issues as well. It is a remarkably helpful essential oil for rosacea.

8. Jasmine

Jasmine is considered good at reducing anxiety. If rosacea is triggered by anxiety, try jasmine oil to eliminate it. The anti-oxidant oil soothes dry and sensitive skin instantly. Jasmine essential oil for rosacea helps to lighten the flare-ups over the skin.

9. Sandalwood

The sufferers of rosacea are often found scratching their faces. Sandalwood essential oil for rosacea treatment features soothing properties to relieve itching and inflammation.

10. Carrot seed oil

It is used to treat chronic inflammatory diseases. Carrot seed essential oil for rosacea can relieve the skin through its antioxidant properties. The itching, redness, and skin spots get reduced by the continuous use of the oil.

Side Effects of the essential oils- A dark side to the remedy

Though essential oil for rosacea is a great remedy, it carries many side effects. It may cause:

  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Allergies

Many studies found that the claimed benefits of the essential oil for rosacea treatments are exaggerated. Health experts do not recommend using essential oil for rosacea to breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women due to potential risks. Oral intake of many essential oils may be toxic, and it is never recommended to swallow them. 

Tips for using essential oil

Essential cinnamon oil
By Olena Rudo on Canva

Before getting started with the essential oils, you need to know the correct use and a few tips to work to get perfect results.

  • Always mix carrier oil before applying it over the affected area when you intend to use any essential oil. Carrier oils like coconut and jojoba oil dilute the tropical oils.
  • Never try any product over your skin without testing. Dermatologists suggest a patch test before applying any cream, lotion, oil, or cosmetics on the skin. Apply oil on a smaller part of the skin on your hand, arm, or leg, and wait for 24 hours or more to see the effects. If the applied oil does not affect the skin badly, you can use it carefully on your face or required body parts.
  • Try to purchase natural essential oil for rosacea treatment and other remedies.  Natural or pure oils are more efficient in working on your skin than many manufactured essential oils.
  • Many essential oils are toxic and may fall you trouble if you intake them or take them near the mouth.
  • Never use the essential oil for rosacea treatments in any breathing device.

Bottom Line

Whatever Essential oil for rosacea you use, be careful regarding your skin. Botanical treatments often prove effective for skin and give instant results, but sometimes, the ground realities may get changed and may cause skin problems. Any product, including essential oils, may cause irritation or skin problems if used excessively or if you carry sensitive skin. It is better to consult any dermatologist before using any essential oil to avoid redness and puffiness.

Never go blind while using any home remedy or adopting herbal treatments. Herbs and plant extracts can be used for minor skin issues, but if the problem persists and worsens, it is better to get a prescription from a skincare expert. 

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