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Understanding Why Does Your Baby Cry While Bottle Feeding

Bottle feeding is an important part of a baby’s daily routine, whether it is breast milk or formula. However, parents may encounter situations where the baby cries during bottle feeding, which causes worry and confusion.

But don’t worry we have got you.  In this article, we explore the possible reasons why a baby cries during bottle feeding, both breast milk and formula and offer helpful strategies to care for and soothe your little one. Stick to your sofa and keep reading. 

Baby Crying While Bottle Feeding Breast Milk

Nipple confusion: 

Babies who are fed primarily breast milk may experience differences in nipple shape, texture, and milk flow when transferring to a bottle.


  • Use a breast-like nipple: To reduce embarrassment, choose nipples that closely resemble the shape and feel of a natural breast
  • Ask someone else to feed the baby: If your baby associates you with breastfeeding, ask a partner or caregiver to offer a bottle.

Temperature Sensitivity:

Breast milk from a bottle may be cooler or warmer than milk directly from the breast, leading to discomfort for the baby.


  • Test the temperature: Ensure the breast milk is at a comfortable temperature, around body temperature (37°C or 98.6°F).
  • Warm the bottle: Gently warm the breast milk in a container of warm water or use a bottle warmer to avoid overheating.

Baby Crying When Formula Feeding

Digestive Discomfort:

Some babies may experience gas, colic, or digestive issues when consuming formula, leading to discomfort and crying.


  • Check for allergies or sensitivities: Consult with a pediatrician to rule out any potential allergies or sensitivities to ingredients in the formula.
  • Try different formulas: Experiment with different brands or types of formulas to find one that suits your baby’s digestion.

Nipple Flow:

The flow of formula from the bottle nipple may be too fast or too slow for  your baby’s preference, causing frustration and crying.


  • Adjust the nipple flow: Choose a nipple with a flow rate suitable for your baby’s age and preferences. A slower flow can help if the baby seems overwhelmed, while a faster flow can be more satisfying if they seem frustrated.

4 Months Baby Crying While Bottle Feeding 

No doubt, when babies reach their 4 months, they undergo many developmental changes that can impact their feeding routines. One common challenge parents may encounter is their baby crying during bottle feeding. 

And you are the mother asking, why is my baby crying while drinking a bottle? Then we are providing some potential ways to better the situation:

  • Create a calm feeding environment: Choose a quiet, dimly lit room for feeding to minimize distractions.
  • Minimize interruptions: Ensure that siblings, pets, or other potential sources of disruption are kept away during feeding sessions.
  • Maintain eye contact and engage: Make eye contact with your baby, talk to them in a soothing voice, and create a calm and focused atmosphere.
  • Offer teething relief before feeding: Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger or provide a chilled teething ring to alleviate discomfort before feeding.
  • Use a teething-friendly bottle nipple: Look for bottle nipples specifically designed for teething babies, which offer additional soothing and massaging properties.
  • Adjust the bottle nipple: Experiment with different nipple types and flow rates to find the one that suits your baby’s preference.
  • Try different feeding positions: Some babies may prefer being held in specific positions during bottle feeding. Explore different holds, such as cradling, semi-reclining, or propping them up with a nursing pillow, to see what works best for your baby.

Final Thought

Crying during bottle feeding, whether with breast milk or formula, is common for babies. Being a responsible parent, it is your job to understand the reasons behind their distress and deal with the issue with patience and effective strategies. Remember, each baby is unique, and it may take some trial and error to find the right solutions that work for your little one. Lastly, If you feel the issue to be worsen, seek help from the healthcare professional as soon as possible.

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